The workers starved – now they are feminists!

And they neither see nor understand it. It started with millions of simple workers, read men, lacking work with a reasonable wage so he could support his family. Then we are talking about the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Of course, you missed a lot that you take for granted today. The families were large with 5-10 children. In some countries, millions were more or less enslaved under a privileged upper class. Then came the false worker prophets who preached that the church was evil, that the King, nobility and burghers oppressed the masses. They would go away and workers would unite globally. Now we’ll see how it went. The labor movement became a hydra for ”equality”. The working men have been blown away (cheated) and lost the main reason for the workers’ revolution – bread for the starving family, shoes and clothes for the children. The ”women” have taken over society and a man can no longer get sex from his disgusting short-cut feminist who wallows in men’s clothes or male attributes, nor can he buy sex. If he paws at a 15-year-old, he should be hunted down as a pedophile. The political feminists have a homo- and pedophile agenda. My experience says that the situation for men was much more positive in the 1950s – 60s – 70s to -80s. Now we just wait for the men’s revolt because it is written:


King James Bibleonline

Standard version from year 1611

16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


The workers starved – now they are feminists!

And they don’t see or understand it. It started with millions of simple workers, read men, without work with a reasonable wage so he could support his family. We’re talking about the 1800s and the early 1900s. Of course, there was a lot missing that we now take for granted. The families were large with 5-10 children. In some countries, millions were more or less enslaved to a priority upper class. Then came the false prophets of the workers who preached that the church was evil, that the king, nobility and bourgeois oppressed the masses. They would be removed and the workers would unite globally. Now we see how it went. The labour movement became a hydra for ”equality”. The working men have been ripped off and lost the main reason for the workers’ revolution – bread for the starving family, shoes and clothes for the children. ”Women” have taken over society and a man can no longer get sex from his disgusting short-haired feminist who wallows in men’s clothes and men’s attributes, nor is he allowed to buy sex. If he gropes a 15-year-old, he will be hunted down as a pedophile. The political feminists have a homo- and pedophile agenda. My experience tells me that the situation for men was much more positive in the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s. Now we are only waiting for the revolt of the men, for it is written:


In Swedish language

Arbetarna svalt – nu är de feminister!

Och de varken ser eller förstår det. Det började med att miljoner enkla arbetare, läs män, saknade arbete med en rimlig lön så han kunde försörja sin familj. Då talar vi om 1800-tal och början på 1900-talet. Man saknade naturligtvis mycket som man idag anser självklart. Familjerna var stora med 5-10 barn. I vissa länder var miljoner mer eller mindre förslavade under en prioriterad överklass. Sedan kom de falska arbetarprofeterna som predikade att kyrkan var av ondo, att Kung, adel och borgare förtryckte massorna. De skulle bort och arbetarna skulle förena sig globalt. Nu ser vi hur det gått. Arbetarrörelsen blev en hydra för ”jämställdhet”. De arbetande männen har blivit blåsta och tappat huvudanledningen till arbetarrevolutionen – bröd till den svältande familjen, skor och kläder till barnen. ”Kvinnorna” har tagit över samhället och en man kan inte längre få sex av sin äckliga kortklippta feminist som vältrar sig i manskläder o mansattribut, ej heller får han köpa sex. Tafsar han på en 15-åring ska han jagas som pedofil. De politiska feministerna har en homo- och pedofilagenda. Min erfarenhet säger att läget för männen var mycket mer positivt på 1950 – 60 -70 t.o.m -80 talet. Nu väntar vi bara på männens revolt ty det är skrivet:


Svenska 1917

16 Och till kvinnan sade han: »Jag skall låta dig utstå mycken vedermöda, när du bliver havande; med smärta skall du föda dina barn. Men till din man skall din åtrå vara, och han skall råda över dig.»

17 Och till Adam sade han: »Eftersom du lyssnade till din hustrus ord och åt av det träd om vilket jag hade bjudit dig och sagt: ’Du skall icke äta därav’, därför vare marken förbannad för din skull. Med vedermöda skall du nära dig av den i alla dina livsdagar;

18 törne och tistel skall den bära åt dig, men markens örter skola vara din föda.

19 I ditt anletes svett skall du äta ditt bröd, till dess du vänder åter till jorden; ty av den är du tagen. Ty du är stoft, och till stoft skall du åter varda.»


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