Canals – reality or science fiction?
Monday, December 14, 2009
OK! The whole world is under threat from rising water levels. 100s of millions of people risk losing their land and existence, they’ll become climate refugees..we’ll become…
What’s worse?
Everywhere on earth some of the best arable land, plough-land, rich soils will come under salt water. We’ll all loose the crops, the harvests. This may lead to violence between stricken ethnic groups and peoples.
Taking steps?
Dig canals like on Mars? But how to do it in a green environmental way? There need to be super bucket wheel excavators and super dumpers. They have to be specially constructed not to emitting to much CO2.
Do man have a chance to master these challenges, to fill in the gigatons, the kubik kilometers of water, on land? Can we create canal oceans on land?
Wonder what H G Wells would have said..!