Mer tankar om Andelivet

Skriven 27/9 -24

Det finns folk som varken tror på själen eller anden. Mitt tal riktar sig naturligtvis till infödda i Kristendomen. Någonting annat har inte funnits i Västeuropa under mitt 74 åriga liv och borde inte finnas, med undantag för Judendomen. Det finns i dessa ogudaktiga tider mängder av folk i vårt land som är döpta och konfirmerade i Svenska Statskyrkan, de har haft Kristendomskunskap som läroämne i skolan, de har haft morgonbön i skolan, men som idag inte tror på Gud. Många är så frånvända att de anser sig vara ateister. Jag har tidvis varit en av dem som avföll och var andligt död.

Därför skriver jag, inte för att förtrycka någon förvillad själ, utan för att försöka väcka Dig till att komma på andra tankar. Tro inte på all skit som bombar Ditt sinne. Tro definitivt inte på den inkräktande s.k. religion som försöker nästla sig in i vårt kristna land. Jesus har varit våra förfäders Gud i 1000 år. Den inkräktande läran spottar på Jesu lära och dess folk läser inte Evangelium, fastmer, de får lära sig att om de tror på Jesus som frälsare, ska de straffas med döden. Ta 100% avstånd från den sekteristiska villoläran om Du har livet kärt.

Kunskapen om Din själ och ande. Den kunskapen finns inte att finna överallt i världens bibliotek. Den finns kanske bara hos ett fåtal individer, som dessutom är osäkra om det är rätt och nyttigt att avslöja sanningen. Den som läst Gamla och Nya Testamentet ett antal gånger, har naturligtvis sökt sanningen om själen och vägen till Himlen. De har funnit att man får dra sina egna slutsatser. Anden uppenbarar den andliga verkligheten vartefter. Men – efter decennier av sökande, vakande och böner, famlar kristna ändå i okunnighetens dunkel. Var är mitt ljus, som ska sitta på skäppan? Varför är inte Himlen synliggjord och öppen för mig? Naturligtvis kan jag inte ge några generella svar på individens lott. Men kanske Du kan få nytta av en del av mina erfarenheter och trimma Ditt böneliv.

När Du kommit upp i 30-40-års åldern börjar så smått dödens vibbar göra sig påminda. Du har börjat märka ålderdomens verkningar på kroppen, om 10-20 år blir Du 40-50 år. Själv hade jag hjärtinfarkt som 54-åring. Det var 2004. Hade det hänt 1994 hade jag kanske inte fått inopererat de 2 stentar jag nu har, och istället kilat vidare 2004.

Det slutgiltiga ödet väntar snart oss alla. Tiden rusar mot änden. Se om Ditt hus i tid! Jag befinner mig som 74 åring i just sådana tankar, måste förbereda den slutliga sortin. Vad händer med min produktion? Mina foton, filmer, essäer och bloginlägg? Vad händer med huset, bilarna, ägodelarna, släktdokumenten o.s.v Slutet kommer och då är alla aktiviteter försent. Uträtta nu innan det är försent. När Du dragit Din sista suck befinner Du Dig var? Om Du inte är en Kristen som ärligt kämpat på den rätta vägen, kan man säga: Var i h-e är Du då? Ty då är det väldigt sent att börja fundera på det eviga.

I Bibeln sägs det att själen är i blodet. Därför skall blodet rinna ut på marken vid slakt av djur. Jesus talar om att nytt vin slås i nya läglar. Vad jag förstår är våra själar kärl, där vi förvarar anden. Innan Herren sänder Hjälparen, Pingstens Andedop, är våra själar mer eller mindre smutsiga, orena. När den Helige Ande av Guds Nåd tilldelats oss, kan vi börja söka Herren på riktigt. Du har fått 1, 2 eller fler pund att förvalta. Om Du gör Din plikt och vakar dagligen någon, några timmar resten av Ditt liv, kan Du belönas med flera pund, enligt Jesus. Du kan läsa om konsten att vaka här eller av några andra av mina små uppsatser i vakandets konst.

Innan Du somnar på natten, vaka. På morgonen, uträtta behoven, återvänd till sängen och vaka minst 1 timme. Mina får hör min röst. Bäst att ligga på rygg, men går även att ligga på sidorna. Slutna ögon riktade rakt fram, enligt Salomo. Böj Ditt öra till Visheten, Jesu röst.

På 80-talet, när jag sökte Herren dagar och nätter under fastor och svingades upp i skyn, kunde andar eller stjärnor komma med sitt sjungande ljud, likt klingande klockor.

Du hör suset av Anden, Hjälparen som tar Dig i handen (bildligt talat) och vill leda Dig uppåt. Aposteln Johannes talar om det ”levande vattnet”. Du ska dricka det vattnet och fylla själen med den Helige Ande som dväljes i en ”nyfejad” själ. Håll undan för de gamla demonerna som gärna vill tillbaka i ”boet”. Av deras gärningar ska Ni känna dem, med andra ord alla sorts gamla synder, våld, häftighet, hämnd, lögner, superier, tobaksmissbruk, girighet, svordomar, promiskuitet, homosex, förtal, frosseri, blöta knarkfester, skadeglädje m.m. Personligen har jag tyvärr inte levt upp till idealet att utrota alla dessa svagheter ständigt, men ibland går det bättre.

Hemligheten till framgång är naturligtvis, som Aposteln säger, bedjen oavlåtligen! Det betyder att efter morgonandakten behåller Du koncentrationen på suset från Himlen dagen igenom. Som barn kämpade jag med det Himmelska intellektet, gentemot det världsliga intellektet. Guds tal är inte människotankar. Jag försökte tänka människotankar, men det gick ju inte. Det betyder som konsekvens, att den som är genial hos Gud anses vara en idiot i den världsliga skolan och vice versa. Kanske ingen har beskrivit detta tidigare, men så är det. Så de Gudomligt begåvade barnen, klassar dåraktiga lärare och psykologer som mindre tillräkneliga och ”begåvas” med moderna sjukdomsepitet. ”Du är sjuk, vi ska ge dig medicin din lille skit”. Skulle inte Herrens vrede upptändas av sådant illdåd mot de rättfärdiga små barnen?

För att förstå det andliga livet under det nuvarande köttsliga livet, behöver vi nog föreställa oss vad som händer när sista sucken dras. Döden kan komma i en sjuksäng eller drabba oss plötsligt utan någon föraning.

Sista andetaget skedde för 5-10 minuter sedan. Du är död. Dina sinnen har upphört, med undantag för Ditt s.k. sjätte sinne. Alltså, Dina öron, ögon, känsel, lukt, smak har tystnat. Du är inte längre nödig, inte hungrig, inte törstig, inte trött o.s.v. Var är Du då, för Du har inte den gamla kroppen. Allt Du har i det skedet är Anden och förmågan att lyssna med Anden, och vänta på att Herren ger Dig Ditt andliga öga, så att Himlen öppnar sig omkring Dig. Mina gratulationer! Då är Du frälst! Närmare förklarat: Du måste uthärda ”skärselden”, reningsbadet av anden.

I det skedet har Du bara suset från Himlen kvar om Du är vaken. Det finns ju enligt Bibeln också de som ”sover i mullen”, som väcks upp inför domedagen. Det sägs också att ”Saliga är de som får ta del av den första uppståndelsen, ty över dem har döden ingen makt”. Jag kan bara säga, lev ett sökande liv och uppehåll hoppet hela livet, frukta inte döden, se på alla som gått före oss. Genom att läsa Bibeln förkovrar vi oss i det andliga.

Du ligger och koncentrerar Dig på Jesu tal. Demonerna som svävar runt Din fot påkallar Din uppmärksamhet med sina förrädiska människotankar. Du har det ena bekymret efter det andra, glöm inte posta brevet, hämta paketet, köp kläder till barnen, bilen ska servas, handla mat till helgen, glöm inte vinet, imorgon ska det regna och Du måste kanske ställa in golfen, försäkringsbolaget kräver kvitton, Du hotas med personlig konkurs!..etc. etc. Fan har hur mycket djelskap som helst att leverera. De små dj-arna är så kraftfulla att de leder Dig bort från Jesus. Du lyssnar på dessa demoner som är organiserade och bombar Din själ kontinuerligt med till synes väldigt kloka tankar. Ju högre upp Du kommer på Andens väg, desto slugare demoner och fetare distraktioner. ”Var vakna!”, vädjade apostlarna. Efter 50-60 år av vakande, lyckas demonerna dra också mig i foten och inleda någon sorts utfunderad tankegång. Fly tillbaka till Guds tal och suset från Himlen!

Glöm aldrig Salomos öde. Han var en av de mest begåvade av alla människor före Jesus uppenbarelse. Han nådde världsrykte med sin vishet. Han hade 700 äkta fruar och 300 bihustrur. På gamla dar, sägs det dock, att han lät sig föras med någon av sina fruar, till att gå upp på ett berg för att böja knä till Månguden. Salomo avföll, han som hade haft mer ljus än andra i sin samtid. Så kan det gå om man slarvar med andakten.

Förstå, om Du begåvats med Herrens frälsnings kallelse och upplevt ett nytt andligt liv, då har Du också möjligheten att finna själens verktyg att spetsa koncentrationen. Det är en av Dina nya själsförmögenheter. I bönen, använd ”oxars kraft” att nästan fysiskt koncentrera all andlig kraft till foten på den smala vägen.


Google Translate:

More thoughts about the Spiritual Life

There are people who neither believe in the soul nor the spirit. My speech is of course addressed to natives of Christendom. Something else has not existed in Western Europe in my 74 years of life and should not exist, with the exception of Judaism. In these ungodly times, there are multitudes of people in our country who are baptized and confirmed in the Swedish State Church, they have had Christianity as a subject in school, they have had morning prayer in school, but who today do not believe in God. Many are so apostate that they consider themselves atheists. At times I have been one of those who fell away and was spiritually dead.

That’s why I write, not to oppress any lost soul, but to try to wake you up to come up with other thoughts. Don’t believe all the crap that bombards your mind. Definitely do not believe the invasive so-called religion trying to nestle into our Christian country. Jesus has been the God of our ancestors for 1000 years. The invading teaching spits on the teaching of Jesus and its people do not read the Gospel, rather, they are taught that if they believe in Jesus as savior, they will be punished with death. Distance yourself 100% from the sectarian heresy if you love life.

The knowledge of Your soul and spirit. That knowledge cannot be found everywhere in the world’s libraries. It is perhaps only found in a few individuals, who are also unsure whether it is right and useful to reveal the truth. Anyone who has read the Old and New Testaments a number of times has naturally searched for the truth about the soul and the way to Heaven. They have found that you can draw your own conclusions. The Spirit reveals the spiritual reality gradually. But – after decades of searching, watching and praying, Christians still grope in the darkness of ignorance. Where is my candle, which shall sit on the rod? Why isn’t Heaven made visible and open to me? Of course, I cannot give any general answers to the fate of the individual. But maybe you can benefit from some of my experiences and trim your prayer life.

When you reach the age of 30-40, the vibes of death slowly start to remind you. You have started to notice the effects of old age on your body. in 10-20 years you will be 40-50 years old. I myself had a heart attack at the age of 54. It was 2004. If it had happened in 1994, I might not have had the 2 stents I now have operated on, and instead pushed on in 2004.

The final fate soon awaits us all. Time is running out. See your house in time! As a 74-year-old, I find myself in just such thoughts, must prepare the final sort. What happens to my production? My photos, videos, essays and blog posts? What happens to the house, the cars, the belongings, the family documents, etc. The end comes and then all activities are late. Act now before it’s too late. When you took your last breath, where did you find yourself? If you are not a Christian who honestly fought on the right path, one can say: Where the hell are you then? Because then it is very late to start thinking about the eternal.

In the Bible it is said that the soul is in the blood. Therefore, the blood must run out on the ground when animals are slaughtered. Jesus speaks of new wine being pressed into new wineskins. From what I understand, our souls are vessels, where we store the spirit. Before the Lord sends the Comforter, the Baptism of the Spirit of Pentecost, our souls are more or less dirty, impure. When the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon us by the Grace of God, we can begin to truly seek the Lord. You have been given 1, 2 or more pounds to manage. If you do your duty and watch someone every day, for a few hours for the rest of your life, you can be rewarded with several pounds, according to Jesus. You can read about the art of vigilance here or from some of my other little essays in the art of vigilance.

Before you fall asleep at night, watch. In the morning, relieve yourself, return to bed and stay awake for at least 1 hour. My sheep hear my voice. Best to lie on your back, but you can also lie on your sides. Closed eyes directed straight ahead, according to Solomon. Bend Your ear to Wisdom, the voice of Jesus.

In the 80s, when I sought the Lord days and nights during fasts and was lifted up into the sky, spirits or stars could come with their singing sound, like ringing bells.

You hear the whisper of the Spirit, the Helper who takes you by the hand (figuratively speaking) and wants to lead you upwards. The apostle John speaks of the ”living water.” You are to drink that water and fill the soul with the Holy Spirit that dwells in a ”newly swept” soul. Keep away from the old demons who would like to return to the ”nest”. By their deeds you shall know them, in other words all kinds of old sins, violence, fierceness, revenge, lies, superiors, tobacco addiction, greed, profanity, promiscuity, homosexual sex, slander, gluttony, joy of harm, etc. Personally, unfortunately, I have not lived up to the ideal of eradicating all of these weaknesses constantly, but sometimes it works out better.

The secret to success is, of course, as the Apostle says, pray without ceasing! This means that after the morning devotion you keep your concentration on the buzz from Heaven throughout the day. As a child I struggled with the heavenly intellect versus the earthly intellect. God’s speech is not human thought. I tried to think human thoughts, but it didn’t work. This means, as a consequence, that the one who is a genius in God’s eyes is considered an idiot in the worldly school and vice versa. Maybe no one has described this before, but there it is. So the Divinely gifted children, foolish teachers and psychologists class as less accountable and ”gifted” with modern disease epithets. ”You’re sick, we’re going to give you medicine you little shit”. Would not the anger of the Lord be kindled by such atrocity against the righteous little children?

To understand the spiritual life during the present carnal life, we probably need to imagine what happens when the last breath is drawn. Death can come in a sick bed or strike us suddenly without any warning.

The last breath took place 5-10 minutes ago. You are dead. Your senses have ceased, with the exception of Your so-called sixth sense Thus, Your ears, eyes, touch, smell, taste have become silent. You are no longer needy, not hungry, not thirsty, not tired, etc. Where are you then, because you don’t have the old body. All you have at that stage is the Spirit and the ability to listen with the Spirit, and wait for the Lord to give you your spiritual eye, so that Heaven opens around you. My congratulations! Then you are saved! Explained further: You must endure ”purgatory”, the cleansing bath of the spirit.

At that stage you only have the buzz from Heaven left if you are awake. According to the Bible, there are also those who ”sleep in the dust”, who are awakened before the day of judgment. It is also said that ”Blessed are those who will partake of the first resurrection, for over them death has no power”. I can only say, live a searching life and keep hope all your life, do not fear death, look at all who have gone before us. By reading the Bible, we advance in the spiritual.

You lie down and concentrate on Jesus’ speech. The demons hovering around Your feet call Your attention with their treacherous human thoughts. You have one worry after another, don’t forget to post the letter, pick up the package, buy clothes for the kids, the car has to be serviced, buy food for the weekend, don’t forget the wine, tomorrow it’s going to rain and you may have to cancel golf, the insurance company requires receipts , You are threatened with personal bankruptcy!..etc. etc. Damn has any amount of devilry to deliver. The little DJs are so powerful that they lead you away from Jesus. You listen to these demons who are organized and bombard Your soul continuously with seemingly very wise thoughts. The higher you go on the path of the Spirit, the more cunning demons and fatter distractions. ”Be awake!”, the apostles pleaded. After 50-60 years of vigilance, the demons also manage to drag me by the foot and initiate some sort of contrived thinking. Escape back to God’s speech and the buzz from Heaven!

Never forget the fate of Solomon. He was one of the most gifted of all men before the revelation of Jesus. He achieved world fame with his wisdom. He had 700 real wives and 300 concubines. In the old days, however, it is said that he allowed himself to be taken with one of his wives to go up a mountain to bow the knee to the Moon God. Solomon apostatized, he who had had more light than others of his time. That’s what can happen if you are careless with devotion.

Understand, if you were gifted with the Lord’s call of salvation and experienced a new spiritual life, then you also have the opportunity to find the tools of the soul to sharpen concentration. It is one of your new soul assets. In prayer, use the ”power of oxen” to almost physically concentrate all spiritual power to the foot of the narrow path.


Microsoft translator:

More thoughts on Spirit Life

There are people who believe in neither the soul nor the spirit. My speech is, of course, addressed to natives of Christianity. Nothing else has existed in Western Europe during my 74 years of life and should not exist, with the exception of Judaism. In these ungodly times, there are many people in our country who are baptized and confirmed in the Swedish State Church, they have had Christian studies as a subject in school, they have had morning prayers in school, but who today do not believe in God. Many are so absent that they consider themselves atheists. I have at times been one of those who apostatized and was spiritually dead.

Therefore, I write, not to oppress any deluded soul, but to try to wake You up to think differently. Don’t believe all the crap that bombs Your mind. Definitely do not believe in the intrusive so-called religion that is trying to infiltrate our Christian country. Jesus has been the God of our ancestors for 1000 years. The intrusive doctrine spits on the teachings of Jesus and its people do not read the Gospel, but they are taught that if they believe in Jesus as Savior, they will be punished with death. Distance yourself 100% from the sectarian heresy if you have life dear.

The knowledge of Your soul and spirit. That knowledge is not to be found everywhere in the world’s libraries. It may only exist in a few individuals, who are also uncertain about the right and beneficial nature of revealing the truth. Anyone who has read the Old and New Testaments a number of times, has naturally sought the truth about the soul and the way to Heaven. They have found that you have to draw your own conclusions. The Spirit reveals spiritual reality as it goes. But – after decades of searching, watching, and prayer, Christians are still groping in the darkness of ignorance. Where is my candle, which will sit on the bushel? Why isn’t Heaven made visible and open to me? Of course, I cannot give any general answers to the individual’s lot. But maybe you can benefit from some of my experiences and trim your prayer life.

When you reach the age of 30-40, the vibes of death begin to make themselves felt. You have begun to feel the effects of old age on your body. In 10-20 years, you will be 40-50 years old. I myself had a heart attack at the age of 54. That was in 2004. Had it happened in 1994, I might not have had the 2 stents I now have implanted, and instead continued in 2004.

The final fate soon awaits us all. Time is rushing to the end. Take care of your house in time! As a 74-year-old, I find myself in just such thoughts, I have to prepare for the final sortie. What happens to my production? My photos, videos, essays and blog posts? What happens to the house, the cars, the possessions, the family documents, etc. The end comes and then all the activities are too late. Do it now before it’s too late. When you have breathed your last sigh, are you where? If you are not a Christian who has honestly fought on the right path, you can say: Where in the world are you then? Because then it is very late to start thinking about the eternal.

In the Bible, it is said that the soul is in the blood. Therefore, the blood must flow to the ground when animals are slaughtered. Jesus speaks of new wine being struck in new camps. From what I understand, our souls are vessels where we store the spirit. Before the Lord sends the Comforter, the Spirit Baptism of Pentecost, our souls are more or less dirty, unclean. Once the Holy Spirit by God’s Grace is bestowed upon us, we can begin to seek the Lord for real. You have been given £1, £2 or more to manage. If you do your duty and watch daily for a few hours for the rest of your life, you can be rewarded with several pounds, according to Jesus. You can read about the art of watchfulness here or from some of my other small essays in the art of watching.

Before you fall asleep at night, stay awake. In the morning, do the business, return to bed and stay awake for at least 1 hour. My sheep hear my voice. Best to lie on your back, but can also lie on your sides. Closed eyes were directed straight ahead, according to Solomon. Incline Your ear to the Wisdom, the voice of Jesus.

In the 80s, when I sought the Lord days and nights during fasts and was swung up into the sky, spirits or stars would come with their singing sound, like jingling bells.

You hear the rush/(My comment ”whistling”) of the Spirit, the Helper who takes you by the hand (figuratively speaking) and wants to lead you upwards. The apostle John speaks of the ”living water.” You are to drink that water and fill your soul with the Holy Spirit who dwells in a ”newly swept” soul. Keep away from the old demons who want to go back to the ”nest”. By their deeds you will know them, in other words, all kinds of old sins, violence, vehemence, revenge, lies, superies, tobacco abuse, greed, profanity, promiscuity, homosex, slander, gluttony, schadenfreude, etc. Personally, unfortunately, I have not lived up to the ideal of eradicating all these weaknesses constantly, but sometimes things go better.

The secret to success is, of course, as the Apostle says, to pray incessantly! This means that after the morning devotion, you maintain your concentration on the rush/(My comment ”whistling”) of Heaven throughout the day. As a child, I struggled with the heavenly intellect, against the worldly intellect. God’s speech is not human thoughts. I tried to think about human thoughts, but it didn’t work. This means that anyone who is brilliant with God is considered an idiot in the secular school and vice versa. Perhaps no one has described this before, but that’s how it is. So the divinely gifted children, classify foolish teachers and psychologists as less accountable and are ”gifted” with modern disease epithets. ”You’re sick, we’re going to give you medicine you little shit”. Would not the wrath of the Lord be kindled by such atrocities against the righteous little children?

To understand the spiritual life of the present life in the flesh, we need to imagine what happens when the last sigh is drawn. Death can come in a sick bed or strike us suddenly without any premonition.

The last breath happened 5-10 minutes ago. You’re dead. Your senses have ceased, with the exception of Your so-called sixth sense. So, your ears, eyes, touch, smell, taste have been silenced. You are no longer needy, not hungry, not thirsty, not tired, etc. Where are you then, because you don’t have the old body. All you have at that stage is the Spirit and the ability to listen with the Spirit, and wait for the Lord to give you your spiritual eye, so that Heaven opens around you. My congratulations! Then you are saved! To be explained: You must endure ”purgatory,” the cleansing bath of the spirit.

At that stage you only have the rush of Heaven left if you are awake. According to the Bible, there are also those who ”sleep in the dust” who are awakened before the Day of Judgment. It is also said that ”Blessed are those who will take part in the first resurrection, for death has no power over them.” I can only say, live a life of searching and hold on to hope all your life, do not fear death, look at all who have gone before us. By reading the Bible, we improve ourselves in the spiritual.

You lie and concentrate on Jesus’ speech. The demons that hover around Your foot call Your attention with their treacherous human thoughts. You have one worry after another, don’t forget to post the letter, pick up the package, buy clothes for the kids, the car needs to be serviced, buy food for the weekend, don’t forget the wine, tomorrow it’s going to rain and you may have to cancel golf, the insurance company demands receipts, you’re threatened with personal bankruptcy.. etc. etc. Damn has so much devilry to deliver. The little devils are so powerful that they lead You away from Jesus. You listen to these demons who are organized and bombard your soul continuously with seemingly very wise thoughts. The higher up you get on the path of Spirit, the more cunning demons and fatter distractions. ”Be awake!” the apostles pleaded. After 50-60 years of watching, the demons manage to pull me in the foot and start some kind of thoughtful way of thinking. Flee back to God’s speech and the rush/(My comment ”whistling”) from Heaven!

Never forget Solomon’s fate. He was one of the most gifted of all people before Jesus’ revelation. He achieved world fame with his wisdom. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. In the old days, however, it is said that he allowed himself to be taken with one of his wives to go up a mountain to bow his knees to the Moon God. Solomon apostatized, who had had more light than others of his time. This can happen if you neglect the devotion.

See, if you have been endowed with the call of the Lord’s salvation and experienced a new spiritual life, then you also have the opportunity to find the tools of the soul to sharpen concentration. It is one of Your new soul faculties. In prayer, use the ”power of oxen” to almost physically concentrate all spiritual power at the foot of the narrow path.
