Fredag 26 december 2014
When the bad times come..
This piece of poetry, art and culture has yet not been published. Written 26th Dec. 2014.
Google Translate has as usual been a big help in translating.
© Winteralley Olle Johansson
När de dåliga tiderna kommer, skall vi se om de övermodiga feministerna lyckas leva upp till sitt översitteri, sin arrogans. Kanske de då måste återvända till spisen och sluta kräva lyx av sina maktlösa män..
When the bad times come, we shall see if the presumptuous feminists can live up to their bullying and arrogance. Maybe they then have to return to the stove and stop demanding luxury from their powerless men ..
Personally I don’t believe them times are coming soon, but we all know what the Revelation of John says..