As a preacher I have a few words to reveal.

As a preacher I have a few words to reveal.

Sunday 26 febr -17

Firstly, I’m not perfect, complete, indefectible. Only God knows how serious they are, the things hanging over me, that my soul carry on with. Woe unto them laughing, they will be sorry, Jesus said. Yes I’m laughing to crazy comedies. But I’m also seriously confronted with all my failures and sins. What God sees as a sin, we can though not always be sure. For a man, think that time when You were alone on the beach, a sweet young girl came to take a bath. She was there just a few meters away and lust fell over You. She saw the apparent reaction and liked it. Was it a sin? Were u married, was she married, yes that makes it worse, but if not? Not all sexual reactions are a sin? Is nakedness a sin whatsoever? Not for me.
Secondly, You want to come close to God. Seek advice in Proverbs and Ecclisiastes. Words of wisdom can lead You upon the path to rightousness. You can never be rightous in your own power. If You seek and find the Holy Spirit in Your heart, You will be guided on to the path. Put in earplugs in Your ears. Go to bed and relax, do like the prophet, go up on the wall and listen what the Lord has to say..Bend Your ears to God’s voice, the hum from Heaven. Concentrate on the hum and avoid human thoughts and pictures that the demons are serving in front of Your shut eyes. The gaze straight ahead. Salomon’s text can lead You further on. Don’t waste the gifts God gave You when he called You. Go into Yourselves and take control of Your thoughts. Fight the devils, the ded people’s, thoughts. The path is narrow. Good luck, Jesus wants to lead You into the light.