Paris, 2-11 August 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Paris, 2-11 August 2011

I decided to do something on my 61th birthday. Since I was in Paris once ”upon a time”, if I remember right it was the summer of 1968. A friend , Klas, and I flew down to Paris in a Caravelle. We stayed at a little hotel in Quartier Latin. It was extremely warm that week, 35-40C? We walked around and saw many important objects in the city. We just loved to sit by the Seine, smoke our Camel or Chesterfield, even Gitanes and Goulais, drinking a bottle of red wine together with a French pain est fromage. We had photographing as a hobby. I took many fine pictures from Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur, but have now lost them. So, that’s why I wanted to go back after brushing up the school french a little. Truth to tell, French is so difficult – difficiles.
For us in Sweden it’s about like this: Learn English is 1, learn German is 2, learn French is 4 and learn Russian is 8, if I remember right.

8 days in Paris is possible to achieve when You stay cheap in a hostel. Whatever You do, use the underground – the Metro – or buses every day because You need to spare your legs young or old, my tip.

This film is a little what happened during these 8 days.