fredag 24 juli 2015
Still among the living..
This person who is very old now. He who possibly was and is responsible for my agony since 1993. I can’t prove it, but my ears have been open for ideas of perpetrators. One day in 1995 or -96, when I was staying on the beach in a little village on the South West coast of Crete called Sougia, this guy was sailing outside some miles away near the Island of Gavdos. He will maybe know that I suspect him now. If he is guilty, he has a chance to confess to assasination attempt with radioactive gaz. He calls himself a Christian, a believer in Jesus. But how can anyone get away with such a crime against a chosen Jesus believer? The Sun was born on the Earth and the powers punished him. No-one said anything. 22 years of silence that says more than millions empty words in media.
Today 2 August 2021 , 28 years have passed and no official confession is made. The figure told above is gone. I hope Edward Joseph Snowden or Julian Paul Assange are keeping some crucial dokuments proving my case.