Ingen dröm 8/5 -22

© Winterally Sven Olof Johansson

Jag vaknade innan solen gått upp, det var mörkt i sovrummet. Klockan visade på – 0300. Försökte somna om. En stund därefter hördes en duns. Hunden som sover i köket började skälla. Jag orkade inte kliva upp och somnade om. På förmiddagen såg jag i trapphuset att ett paket med 240 hundbajspåsar hade ramlat ner från hatthyllan.

No dream 8/5 -22

I woke up before the sun had come up, it was dark in the bedroom. The clock showed on – 3. Tried to get asleep. A moment later, a hum was heard. The dog sleeping in the kitchen began to bark. I couldn’t bear to get up and go back to asleep. In the morning, I saw in the stairwell that a package of 240 dog poop bags had fallen off the hat shelf.
No dream 8/5 -22

I woke up before the sun rose, it was dark in the bedroom. The clock showed – 3. Tried to fall asleep again. A moment later a thump was heard. The dog sleeping in the kitchen started barking. I could not get up and fell asleep again. In the morning I saw in the stairwell that a package with 240 dog poop bags had fallen from the hat shelf.