Radical to be ”conservative”/ Radikalt att vara ”konservativ”

Radical to be ”conservative”
As left-wing globalists have brainwashed and infiltrated all countries, it can be considered radical to be ”conservative”. A descriptive term used by just those, in their media, by their journalists.

Radikalt att vara ”konservativ”
Såsom vänsterglobalister har hjärntvättat och infiltrerat alla länder kan det anses vara radikalt att vara ”konservativ”. En betecknande term använd av just desamma, i deras media, av deras journalister.

With the help of Google Translation

Publicerat av

de Neergaard

My parents sent me to England, 5 weeks 1965, in the Summer, to participate in an English language-course, in the very neat town of Exmouth. Even though I had the best point in English from the gymnasium, I realise my English will never be perfect. This guy is 73 years of age this Summer 2023. He has been writing political, religious, and many other topics since 1980. He believed he had important things to tell. Because he is un-known to most people, it proves that the world is ruled by the same "sort of gang".