Force Majeure

Here are 2 quotations from Wikipedia at this address:

  >> Force majeure (erroneously called a force majure) is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liabilty or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, epidemic….<<
  >> Under international law, it refers to an irresistible force or unforeseen event beyond the control of a state making it materially impossible to fulfill an international obligation, and is related to the concept of a state of emergency.<<

My personal view. The Corona Pandemic situation is Force Majeure. No single politician, political party, king, president is responsible for the development and end result of the pandemic. My opinion is that we currently don’t know the total outcome of everything. I personally think it is more dangerous to shut down society than letting people protect themselves and keeping up most functions. What the politicians do wrong, is to not telling people, they shouldn’t count on health care when hospitals are full. No society in the world can fulfill any obligations during a crises like this. It’s Force Majeure. Close the hospitals when they are full. People will die in their homes. Blame?