För att komma åt folk med strukturerad logik och inlärt ”förnuft” m.a.o en struktur byggd på fördomar och räls lagd i barndomen, såklart styrd av de vuxna lärarnas, journalisternas hjärntvätt, att ”så är det”. För att riva upp den rälsen behöver man ibland ett ”fel” i texten, något som inte stämmer enligt individens färd genom de andliga rymderna. I det att man nu skrivit något kontroversiellt och den duktige läsaren, en journalist, en politiker, som alltid är sprängfyllda med svar på allehanda frågor, stöter på patrull i texten, med något som inte stämmer, men sätter igång hjärnkontoret till att producera något förståndigt, ja, då är läsaren där. Hon/han måste börja tänka, tvingas ta ställning och får hela texten över huvudet, kanske in i en ny insikt? Läsaren drivs utanför boxen, sin falska bubbla. Ångest där alla stöd saknas. Detta skrivet utan alla sorters feminist ”experters” högskole terminologi.
Bing translate
Unstructured text difficult theme
To get at people with structured logic and learned ”reason”, i.e. a structure built on prejudices and rails laid in childhood, of course controlled by the brainwashing of the adult teachers, journalists, that ”that’s how it is”. To tear up that rail, one sometimes needs an ”error” in the text, something that is not correct according to the individual’s journey through the spiritual spaces. Now that something controversial has been written and the good reader, a journalist, a politician, who is always bursting with answers to all sorts of questions, encounters patrol in the text, with something that is not right, but sets the brain office in motion to produce something sensible, well, then the reader is there. She/he has to start thinking, is forced to take a stand and gets the whole text over their head, perhaps into a new insight? The reader is driven outside the box, her/his false bubble. Anxiety where all support is lacking. This is written without all kinds of feminist ”experts” university terminology.
Google translate
Unstructured text difficult theme
To reach people with structured logic and learned ”reason” i.e. a structure built on prejudices and rails laid in childhood, of course guided by the brainwashing of adult teachers, journalists, that ”that’s how it is”. To tear up that rails, you sometimes need an ”error” in the text, something that is not correct according to the individual’s journey through the spiritual spaces. In the fact that you have now written something controversial and the skilled reader, a journalist, a politician, who are always bursting with answers to all kinds of questions, comes across a patrol in the text, with something that is not correct, but starts the brain office to produce something sensible, well, then the reader is there. She/he has to start thinking, is forced to take a position and gets the whole text over her/his head, maybe into a new insight? The reader is driven outside the box, her/his false bubble. Anxiety where all support is missing. This is written without all kinds of feminist ”experts'” university terminology.