Stackars tomtskator


Mina stackars tomtskator fryser efter att det var 6,7 minus inatt. De finner inte mat tillräckligt varje dag. Nu har insikten väckt dem, att de är dödens. De kämpar och rotar i buskar och frusna gräsmattor. Skatornas nöd rör mig, till skillnad från vänstermänniskornas landsförräderis konsekvenser de rättvist förtjänar.

My poor magpies are freezing after it was 6.7 degrees below zero last night. They don’t find enough food every day. Now the realization has awakened them that they are death. They struggle and rummage in bushes and frozen lawns. The distress of the magpies touches me, unlike the consequences of the left-wing treason, the betrayal they justly deserve.

My poor magpies are freezing after it was minus 6.7 last night. They don’t find enough food every day. Now the realization has awakened them, that they are of death. They struggle and root in bushes and frozen lawns. The plight of the magpies moves me, unlike the leftist treasonous consequences they justly deserve.

Have they bombed your neighborhood too?


have they bombed your neighborhood too? Oh how sorry we are, we did something wrong it seems, but if you vote for our parties again we will soon fix the problems. Kind regards 7-clover parties.


In Swedish:

Hej, har dom bombat Ditt kvarter också? Oh vad ledsna vi blir, vi gjorde något fel verkar det som, men om Du röstar på våra partier igen ska vi snart fixa problemen. Vänliga hälsningar 7-klöverpartierna.