Sweden’s busted democracy

Don’t talk about crisis or expensive new elections in Sweden! Changing government is not a crisis. It is a brightening future for those who still have wits and a sense of reality.
Israel owns what is described as democracy! Is Sweden’s left-wing media folly?

Israel were on it’s way to its fourth parliamentary election in less than two years. According to Yle, see link below. The link published: 22.12.2020 – 15:55. Updated 23.12.2020

This is not intended as criticism of Benjamin Netanyahu, it is just a comparison between the Israeli and Swedish systems.

Kom inte o tala om kris eller dyra nyval i Sverige! Byte av regering är ingen kris. Det är en ljusnande framtid för de som ännu har förstånd och verklighetsförankring.
Israel äger något som betecknas som demokrati! Är Sveriges vänster massmedia dårskap?


Israel på väg mot fjärde parlamentsvalet på mindre än två år.
PUBLICERAD 22.12.2020 – 15:55. UPPDATERAD 23.12.2020 – 13:29

Detta är inte ämnat som kritik av Benjamin Netanyahu, det är bara en jämförelse mellan det Israeliska och Svenska systemet.

17 juni 2021

Publicerat av

de Neergaard

My parents sent me to England, 5 weeks 1965, in the Summer, to participate in an English language-course, in the very neat town of Exmouth. Even though I had the best point in English from the gymnasium, I realise my English will never be perfect. This guy is 73 years of age this Summer 2023. He has been writing political, religious, and many other topics since 1980. He believed he had important things to tell. Because he is un-known to most people, it proves that the world is ruled by the same "sort of gang".