My last rose Summer -21

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Don’t talk about crisis or expensive new elections in Sweden! Changing government is not a crisis. It is a brightening future for those who still have wits and a sense of reality.Israel owns what is described as democracy! Is Sweden’s left-wing media folly? Israel were on it’s way to its fourth parliamentary election in less…
In the 1940s and 1950s, the morals of society allowed single women to move around in society in trousers with zippers at the back. In the 1950s and 1960s, the zipper began to be put on its side. After the 1960s, the fashion industry and society at large lost all inhibitions and women began to…
Först blev Trump höjd till skyarna för triumfen med att få hem Asap Rocky från Sverige. Efter en tid organiserade BLM-rörelsen en oerhörd internationell kampanj grundad på George Floyds död och videoklippet där han sa ”I can’t breath”. Där har vi kanske en av orsakerna till Trumps valförlust. ———————————————– First, Trump rose to the skies…
About the escalation at the Ukrainian border. The US threatens to pressure the EU to stop Nordstream 2. A super project that means a lot to both Russia and the EU. The democratically elected Russian-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych (Віктор Янукович) was expelled around 2014. Ukraine occasionally had payment difficulties due to gas bills to Russia….
De skyldiga ska straffas!Ännu ett vansinnesdåd har skakat landet.Vi fördömer sådant våld.De skyldiga som låter mördare gå lösa på våra gator ska jagas!De ska få känna av maktens fulla kraft.De högerextrema måste stoppas.Vårat parti avskyr extremister!
Om skitländerEn sann global socialist = Socialdemokrat, önskar att alla länder skall bli skitländer, därför det är att vara sant solidarisk. Mvh About shitty countriesA true global socialist = Social Democrat, wants all countries to become shitty countries, because that is true solidarity. Sincerely
What I mean by this is that the Soviet Union was dissolved to some extent because of the dissidents recognized in the West. Quotation from Wikipedia in English:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissident >>A dissident is a person who actively challenges an established political or religious system, doctrine, belief, policy, or institution.[1] In a religious context, the word has been…
After studying the pictures from Hunter’s computer, I’m inclined to agree with Donald Trump. Now thousands of throats open their cries like vipers hiss, against Trump and Co. When many turn away, then the enemy strikes. If the American media had shown the American people the Biden pictures, Trump would probably have won the election….
So how is it possible that people of a region in Ethiopia with a 90-95 % Christian population are forced to flee? A whizz on the net suggests that the Christian region were infiltrated by Marxists. The so called Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF). How can Marxists, who are enemies of religion, be in power…
Den Apostoliska Trosbekännelsen Vi tror på Gud Fader allsmäktig, himmelens och jordens skapare. Vi tror ock på Jesus Kristus,hans enfödde Son, vår Herre,vilken är avlad av den Helige Ande,född av jungfrun Maria,pinad under Pontius Pilatus,korsfäst, död och begraven,nederstigen till dödsriket,på tredje dagen uppstånden igen ifrån de döda,uppstigen till himmelen,sittande på allsmäktig Gud Faders högra sida,därifrån…
Sverigedemokraterna (SD) bör – för att höja opinionsiffrorna – skapa ett märke för tröjan, kavajen, skjortan, med en svensk flagga och texten SD eller hela namnet Sverigedemokraterna. Det är ju så, om ni nu inte sett det eller förstått det, att alla gamla förrädarpartier satt på sig en nål med svenska flaggan, sedan Corona epidemin…
The people of Europe will be deceived by human laws into losing their countries. Europas folk ska genom människolagar luras att förlora sina länder. Written 25th of Nov 2020. Translated with the help of GOOGLE.
Here are 2 quotations from Wikipedia at this address: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_majeure >> Force majeure (erroneously called a force majure) is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liabilty or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, epidemic….<< >> Under international law, it refers to…
The Soviet Union ended. But the left (Marxzism) still exists, like a body that springs, but without a head. Written by Sven O Johansson 28 Okt -20 Sovjetunionen upphörde. Men vänstern (Marxzismen) finns fortfarande kvar, likt en kropp som sprattlar, men utan huvud. Skrivet av Sven O Johansson 28 okt -20
Radical to be ”conservative”As left-wing globalists have brainwashed and infiltrated all countries, it can be considered radical to be ”conservative”. A descriptive term used by just those, in their media, by their journalists. Radikalt att vara ”konservativ”Såsom vänsterglobalister har hjärntvättat och infiltrerat alla länder kan det anses vara radikalt att vara ”konservativ”. En betecknande term…
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