Kan det vara så att feministerna är ett större globalt hot än AI?
Jaha och vad ska vi göra åt det?
Jag tror att älskvärda kvinnor får se om sina hus och finna sig själva, alltså sitt sanna jag. De måste själva inse sin sanna uppgift på jorden. Om inte, kommer de slutligen tvingas tillbaka till kvinnornas historiska fålla av förtryck och träldom. Sug på den..
Could it be that feminists are a bigger global threat than AI?
Oh, and what are we going to do about it?
I believe that lovable women have to put their houses in order and find themselves, that is, their true selves. They must realize for themselves their true mission on earth. If not, they will eventually be forced back into the historical fold of oppression and servitude for women. Suck on it.
Could it be that feminists are a bigger global threat than AI?
Yes, and what are we going to do about it?
I believe that lovely women get to look at their houses and find themselves, that is, their true selves. They themselves must realize their true task on earth. If not, they will ultimately be forced back into women’s historical fold of oppression and servitude. Suck it..